ICPCC DAO LLC Constitution


We, the people of the ICP community, hereby establish the ICPCC DAO as a living experiment to create an immortal and autonomous public good. This act represents a critical step towards a new type of revolution, not one of industry but of governance, using the power of the Internet Computer Protocol. Let this DAO serve as an example and compass for inspiring a new generation of Web3 innovators who will help humanity construct a world that's more just, free, fair, accessible, and transparent. The purpose of the ICPCC DAO will be to highlight and forever celebrate the role ICP has in achieving this noble vision of Web3. May we collectively guide it with diligence, unity, pragmatism, and righteousness.

Table of Contents


  • ICPCC Constitution (”Constitution”) - This document defines the collective purpose, operations, organization, and guidelines of the ICPCC DAO, as ratified by its Members.
  • Internet Computer Protocol (”ICP”) - The L1 blockchain that this DAO is hosted on and launched to promote.
  • Decentralized Autonomous Organization (”DAO”) - A member-owned community governed by smart contracts designed to provide an open, fair, and democratic management structure for collaborative projects.
  • ICP Community Conference DAO LLC (”ICPCC DAO LLC,” “ICPCC DAO,” or ”ICPCC”) - A Marshall Islands Non-Profit DAO LLC that owns and manages the leading ICP ecosystem event series.
  • ICPCC events (”Events”) - Conferences and livestreams hosted by ICPCC.
  • $CONF - The native token of ICPCC.
  • ICPCC DAO LLC Members (”Members” including references to “we,” “us,” and “our”) are the community of individuals who are members of ICPCC DAO LLC.
  • ICPCC Council (”Council”) - A group of 3-5 Members who provide leadership for ICPCC by shaping proposals for the DAO to vote on.
  • Service Nervous System (”SNS”)—A specific type of fully decentralized DAO hosted on ICP canisters, launched by the DAO that governs the ICP network.
  • SNS neuron (”neuron”) - A staked amount of SNS native tokens that grant the ability to vote on proposals.
  • ICPCC DAO LLC Operating Agreement (”OA”) - The agreement between members of ICPCC.


This Constitution is a public on-chain declaration by the ICPCC DAO Members backed by the legal corporate personhood of ICPCC as registered Marshall Islands DAO LLC. It provides Members with a unified vision, organizational structure, and framework for reaching a consensus by which ICPCC can prosper. The content of this Constitution is the authoritative standard by which Members can base evaluations and deliberations of DAO proposals and their outcomes, and it aligns with the priorities of the ICPCC Council.

Method of Empowerment

Being a Marshall Islands DAO LLC grants ICPCC legal allowance for adopting governance through smart contracts. By hosting this Constitution on a canister smart contract, ICPCC thereby ratifies and empowers it as the Official ICPCC Constitution.

Duty to Uphold

If the ICPCC DAO executes actions that conflict with this Constitution, it is violating the Members' trust, committing public hypocrisy, and staining its organizational reputation.

Members have a duty to:

  1. Make sure this Constitution maintains an accurate representation of their collective will.
  2. Hold proposals and the Council accountable for adhering to this Constitution.


This Constitution can only be amended by adopting valid proposals that modify the official on-chain record of this Constitution that is hosted and controlled by ICPCC.

  • Official Constitution Canister ID: [Not Yet Deployed]



  1. To promote the ICP technology and ecosystem through high-quality in-person and virtual ICPCC Events.
  2. To grow the size and quality of ICPCC Events.
  3. To prevent 51% of governance attacks and centralized control.
  4. To actively host ICPCC Events for as long as the Internet Computer Protocol exists.


ICPCC DAO LLC is a community-owned, self-sustaining, decentralized conference Event series that celebrates The Internet Computer Protocol and highlights how it connects and strengthens the entire Web 3.0 movement.


I. Prioritizing Sustainability & Growth

While the ICPCC DAO is a non-profit organization, it’s committed to growing into a foremost Web3 event brand that lasts. This means the treasury must be managed with prudence so that it can provide continuous funding for larger and better Events.

II. Maintaining Strict Focus

The ICPCC DAO is not a general-purpose DAO. It’s focused on organizing, promoting, and establishing the brand of ICPCC and its Events. Anything unrelated to ICPCC Events or supporting effective ICPCC DAO operations is a distraction and out of scope.

To preserve this focus:

  1. Any type of ongoing funding for incentives, services, initiatives, vendors, or projects must be limited to the scope/timeline of one ICPCC Event at a time and be manually reapproved by the DAO between ICPCC Events.
  2. The treasury will not be used to fund ICP marketing initiatives which do not promote, or come out of, ICPCC Events.
  3. The treasury will only provide funding for third-party events that are closely associated with and based around an ICPCC Event, such as an official side event, in-conference hackathon, or community-hosted ICPCC meetup.
  4. The DAO will consider funding creative or unusual initiatives and tooling so long as they provide significant contributions to the ICPCC brand, ICPCC Events, and/or the DAO’s governance operations without causing unnecessary distraction or risk.

III. Protecting Our Decentralization

The decentralized control of ICPCC is critical for achieving its purpose, protecting its treasury, and preserving its reputation.

a. ICPCC will avoid actions that:

  1. Could lead to a majority of voting power being controlled by a small group of very large neurons.
  2. Exclusively increase the influence of the wealthiest Members with the largest neurons.
  3. Permanently delegate too much power to a custodian or DAO agent.
  4. Otherwise cause or lead to centralized control or influence over the DAO.

b. In addition, ICPCC will actively pursue actions that:

  1. Increase the number of Members and distribution of neurons.
  2. Reduce the risk or impact of Sybil attacks.
  3. Remove or reduce the reliance on custodians or DAO agents.
  4. Generally support the decentralization and robustness of the DAO.

IV. Behaving as a Good Actor

To set a positive example for ICP, the ICPCC DAO will use the corporate personhood granted to it by the Marshall Islands responsibly.

Therefore, ICPCC will:

  1. Act in good faith and not knowingly break any laws or regulations.
  2. Keep its promises and commitments to the best of its ability.
  3. Not cause harm for its own gain or the gain of its members.
  4. Strive to maintain a positive organizational reputation with which other organizations are willing to partner.
  5. Remain in accordance with the Marshall Islands Non-Profit Entities (Amendment) Act of 2021.

V. Fixed Token Supply

The ICPCC DAO was launched with a commitment to preserving a fixed total supply of 1,000,000 $CONF tokens.

In alignment with this commitment:

  1. No additional $CONF tokens will be minted.
  2. No additional tokens with ICPCC DAO governance power will be launched in the future unless this power derives from $CONF tokens.

VI. Stable Economics

ICPCC is a decentralized community with a long-term vision, and as such, the $CONF token is neither a security nor a meme.


  1. ICPCC will focus on its long-term sustainability to support future ICPCC Events.
  2. ICPCC will not attempt to engineer or manipulate the price of $CONF.
  3. Any $CONF token rewards or incentives must be aligned with this Constitution.

VII. Reliable Token Utility

To preserve the value and relevance of the $CONF token, it must have a clear and consistent utility for ICPCC Events.


  1. ICPCC will anchor the primary utility of the $CONF token by establishing it as the sole asset accepted for Event attendee tickets, VIP perks, & officially branded ICPCC Event merch.
  2. Secondary use cases for the $CONF token may be added as long as they do not conflict with or replace the $ CONF token's primary utility.
  3. Additional sources of income collected in other assets, such as ICP, are acceptable and encouraged so long as they do not conflict with or replace the primary utility of $CONF.

VIII. Moderate Risk Taking

While ICPCC is a Web3 experiment that’s open to trying new things, it has a long-term future to protect.

To find the right balance:

  1. ICPCC will not risk the majority of its treasury on any single Event, Request, or initiative.
  2. ICPCC will accept a healthy level of moderate risk to make sure the treasury is being consistently used to fund growth to ensure the DAO doesn’t stall or stagnate.

IX. Active Leadership

A competent and active Council is critical and necessary for driving ICPCC operations. The Council Members are not volunteer contributors; they are paid experts, and ICPCC will hold them to high expectations for driving positive outcomes.

To encourage and maintain strong leadership:

  1. Inactive or underperforming Council Members will be removed.
  2. Council Members will be provided with both ongoing and performance-based compensation.

X. Compensated Governance

To promote community participation and preserve decentralization, ICPCC is committed to providing compensation to SNS neurons for the voting activity they contribute.

XI. Rewarding Commitment

Critical proposals for funding and structuring Events will often happen many months in advance, so it’s important that ICPCC incentivizes and rewards Members who are committed to the long-term success of ICPCC. Therefore, ICPCC will explore healthy ways to encourage and reward the staking of SNS neurons with long dissolve delays.

XII. Respecting Member Autonomy

ICPCC will avoid the pitfalls that Web3 was created to mitigate.


  1. ICPCC will not harmfully DOX, attack, violate the privacy of, censor, or otherwise harass its Members.
  2. ICPCC will also not take control of, remove, transfer, or restrict access to any asset a Member holds in their Web3 wallet.


DAOs are communities, and community-based decisions have benefits and downsides. While they tend to be fairer, they can also be slower and lack necessary domain expertise.

To effectively host Events, ICPCC will focus on making high-level decisions as the owner and controller of the ICPCC brand, property, and treasury. It will make the big decisions while leaving the execution of smaller details to vendors whom the DAO will hold accountable.


  1. Managing the DAO treasury along with all other ICPCC intellectual property and assets.
  2. Defining the most critical specifications for Events.
  3. Maintaining the utility of the $CONF token.
  4. Managing Council membership.
  5. Managing major vendor relationships and agreements.
  6. Providing reasonable compensation to Council Members & Members who contribute voting activity.
  7. Providing and maintaining liquidity for the $CONF token.
  8. Managing SNS governance parameters & DAO tooling.

In-Scope Activities

Non-exhaustive examples of activity ICPCC should be directly voting on:

  1. Accepting a quote from a vendor to have them organize an Event.
  2. Setting the ticket prices for an upcoming Event, paid in $CONF.
  3. Setting the sponsorship tiers of an upcoming Event, paid in $ICP.
  4. Electing a new Council Member.
  5. Using treasury funds to get $CONF listed on CoinMarketCap.

Out-of-Scope Activities

Non-exhaustive examples of activity ICPCC should NOT be directly voting on:

  1. Asking event vendors questions on specific details.
  2. Accepting requests for special treatment from an event partner that’s making a late request for something — such as getting a booth — past a deadline that was set by the event organizing vendor. (ICPCC cannot know the context and restrictions the vendor is trying to manage, and letting partners go over their heads would hinder proper event execution.)
  3. Deciding which dishes are served during a conference.
  4. Negotiating a contract with a potential graphic designer that the event organizing vendor wants to hire to design a flyer for an event.
  5. Coordinating event volunteer assignments.



1. Request for Quote Published

Target: At least 12-15 months before the Event.

The Council must get a proposal adopted which defines:

  1. The range of attendees the Event will target.
  2. The geographical area where the Event will be located (if applicable).
  3. The date(s) the Event will take place.
  4. The ideal budget range is desired.
  5. The type of ICPCC Event (conference or livestream).
  6. The basic structure or format of the Event and its agenda.

2. Quotes Collected

Target: At least 10-13 months before the Event.

Prospective Event-organizing vendors must submit quotes to the DAO which define the:

  1. Total contract cost with a budget that is broken down into top-level categories that include:
    1. Venue (if applicable)
    2. Food & Drink
    3. AV & Production
    4. Rentals & Attendee Experience (signs, stage furniture, etc)
    5. Marketing & Speaker Fees
    6. Labor
    7. Travel, Logistics, & Accommodation
    8. Side-Events
    9. Sub-vendors & Services
    10. Swag & Merch
    11. Incidentals & Other
    12. Contingency Fund (reserved for covering unexpected costs, with any remaining amount to be returned to the DAO)
    13. Vendor Profit Margin
  2. Maximum number of tickets that could be sold.
  3. Maximum number of sponsor booths that could be included (if applicable).
  4. Estimates for the inventory and types of merch that the DAO would be able to sell during the Event.
  5. Vendor’s background and experience hosting similar events.
  6. Contract terms ICPCC would be agreeing to by accepting the quote.

3. Contract Awarded

Target: At least 9-12 months before the Event.

The Council must adopt a treasury transfer proposal that awards the Event organizing contract to a vendor.

4. Tickets & Sponsorships Priced

Target: At least 7-10 months before the Event.

The Council must get a proposal adopted which defines:

  1. The price for attendee tickets in $CONF, along with ticket add-ons and upgrades.
  2. Requirements & Benefits for VIP perks.
  3. The benefits, prices, and quantities available for each Sponsorship Tier.
  4. The price range for officially branded ICPCC Event merch in $CONF. (exact prices for each item to be set by the event organizing vendor)

5. Sponsorships Collected

Target: At least 3-6 months before the Event.

A prospective Event sponsor must submit a “Sponsorship Approval Request” which includes:

  1. The name, website, relevant social URLs, and description of the prospective Event sponsor’s organization.
  2. The Sponsorship Tier they intend to purchase.
  3. The name and title of at least one of the individuals who will be attending the Event as a representative of the sponsor.

Once this proposal is adopted, the prospective sponsor must:

  1. Send the ICPCC treasury the required payment(s) for the approved Sponsorship tier.
  2. Provide the Event organizing vendor with the necessary Sponsorship onboarding assets, materials, contacts, and information.

After the Event organizing vendor confirms these actions as completed, they will announce that the brand is an official ICPCC sponsor.

7. Event Report Delivered

Target: No later than least 3 months after the Event.

The Event organizing vendor will submit a proposal to provide transparency to these details:

  1. Actual spending per budget budget category and records logging reimbursement to the DAO for any unused portion of the contingency fund.
  2. Actual Event attendees.
  3. Actual inventory sold during the Event.


ICPCC will host two Events per year: a conference and a livestream.



  • A large multi-day annual event.
  • It may include a livestream and side events, but the primary focus will be on a single location where attendees gather in person.
  • It will include a stage, keynote speakers, and vendor booths.
  • The vendor organizing the Event must begin work at least 9-12 months before the event is scheduled to begin.


  • Presenting an exciting Web3 event that’s centered around showcasing ICP innovation.
  • Providing a quality experience to help attendees build important professional connections while enjoying themselves.
  • Showcasing top Web3 innovators, founders, investors, developers, and content creators.
  • Provide an appropriate setting and space for hosting leading-edge industry discussions.



  • A virtual annual event.
  • It may include community-hosted watch parties and official side events, but the primary focus will be on a single public livestream that anyone can watch virtually.
  • The Event will include hosts, quality animated and pre-recorded video content, and prizes. It may also include an interactive virtual conference space with vendor booths and games.
  • The vendor organizing the Event must begin work at least 6-9 months before the Event is scheduled to begin.


  • Presenting an engaging livestream event that celebrates ICP and builds hype within the Web3 industry.
  • Providing a quality digital experience that’s accessible to as many Web3 people around the world as possible, preferably enhanced with multiple in-person community watch parties.
  • Showcasing interactive digital content that’s easy to understand (not too technical).


  1. Event-organizing vendors should be given the authority needed to execute their contracts properly.
  2. During an active contract, the event-organizing vendors must attend the monthly Council meetings to provide a progress report, answer questions from Council Members, and collect feedback.
  3. The DAO should generally discourage event sub-vendors, sponsors, and partners from going over the heads of the event organizing vendor to request special treatment. Since the DAO cannot know the context and restrictions the vendor is trying to manage, this would disrupt the execution of the contract.
  4. When requesting additions to the scope of an existing contract, the DAO should request an updated quote from the event organizing vendor and accept it by sending any additional funds required to fund the change in scope for the amended contract.
  5. When an event is less than four months from starting, changing the scope of an existing contract should be avoided.


ICPCC Council Neuron

ICPCC DAO will utilize a Voting Power ("VP") Proxy Canister to give the SNS DAO the ability to create and control an "ICPCC Council Neuron."

When Members are added or removed from the Council, their neuron is added or removed from the list of neurons that the ICPCC Council Neuron follows.

The ICPCC Council Neuron provides Members with a single neuron ID for following Council decisions while enabling a few critically necessary protections:

  1. The ICPCC Council Neuron would abstain from voting on proposals to add or remove Council Members. This prevents Council Members from using their significant influence over voting power to infiltrate the Council with accomplices or prevent their own removal.
  2. The ICPCC Council Neuron could be configured to abstain from voting on sensitive proposal categories, such as Treasury Transfer Proposals. This would prevent Council Members from colluding to steal treasury funds.
  3. If a Member is removed from the Council for bad behavior, the risk of them continuing to influence significant voting power from inactive/dead SNS neurons that are still set to automatically follow their votes is significantly less likely since most DAO Members would be following the ICPCC Council Neuron.
  4. The ICPCC Council Neuron could be configured to delay applying the Council's vote until the last hour of the proposal's voting period. This would maximize the amount of time that DAO Members have to consider the proposal and vote manually should they disagree with the Council's decision.
  5. The ICPCC Council Neuron could provide the DAO with an "Emergency Council Dismissal" feature, which would remove all Council Members in the event of an emergency that threatens the DAOs autonomy. The ICPCC Council Neuron would abstain from voting on the proposal to trigger this emergency measure so that the existing Council Members cannot prevent it, and the Council would need to be reformed. This would be comparable to a “global reset of all followers” feature.

For these voting power protections to remain in place, Members are encouraged to add the ICPCC Council Neuron to their neurons ”Following” list rather than following individual Members of the Council directly. However, they retain the autonomy and capability to follow the votes of the neuron(s) they wish.



ICPCC hereby defines the following requirements for proposals to be qualified for adoption:

  1. All proposals must be published on the DFINITY Dev Forum for open community discussion at least one week before being submitted to DAO for a vote.
  2. All proposals must specify either:
    1. The relevant ICPCC Event or open Request the proposal is regarding.
    2. At least one resolution, objective, function, and/or requirement is defined in this Constitution that the proposed action is intended to support.


ICPCC hereby declares that any adopted proposal is invalid if:

  1. It is not a qualified proposal as defined above.
  2. It directly and unequivocally conflicts with any part of this Constitution.


  1. Invalid motion proposals that get adopted are non-binding. ICPCC must adopt a proposal to amend this Constitution to resolve the conflict before the invalid motion proposal can be re-submitted and validly adopted.
  2. Invalid proposals of other types (excluding motion proposals) that get adopted are rogue proposals. The Council must urgently help ICPCC adopt a proposal that either:
    1. Amends this Constitution to resolve conflict and make the rogue proposal valid.
    2. Reverses or mitigates the impact of the rogue proposal.

Request Motions


“Request Motions” are motion proposals submitted to the DAO that make a Request for some type of action to be taken, including but not limited to:

  • A project, such as requesting a tool to be built for the DAO.
  • An initiative, such as requesting that the Council begins drafting an amendment to this Constitution.
  • A single action, such as requesting that a Council Member provide a status update.
  • A delegation, such as requesting that a specific individual be granted temporary authority to make certain decisions on behalf of the DAO.

Request Motions adopted by ICPCC are considered official Requests from the DAO to the assigned party.


  1. Requester” - The Member who submitted the original Request Motion proposal.
  2. Assignee” - The party to whom the Request Motion is making the request.
  3. Request” - The action the Request Motion requests of the Assignee as defined by the Requester in the adopted Request Motion.
  4. Amended Request” - A Request that has been amended or changed by the Assignee.
  5. “Requirements” - Measurable qualities or metrics the DAO can use to determine whether a Request has been properly completed.
  6. Dependencies” - Anything the Assignee requires to start the Request or Amended Request. This may include materials, authority, funding, information, intellectual property, access, assets, and/or compensation that the Assignee must collect from ICPCC or the Requestor before the start date.

Request Motion Outcomes

ICPCC determines whether a Request is “closed favorably” or “closed unfavorably” based on how, and if, the Assignee responds to it:

  • This is a collective judgment recorded by on-chain proposal activity and defined within this Constitution as a resource for guiding ICPCC proposal deliberations.
  • Members of the Council who consistently close Requests unfavorably should be removed from the Council.
  • Other Assignees who wish to earn and maintain the good favor of ICPCC should attempt in good faith to close Requests favorably by either declining or successfully completing them.

Assignee Request Motion Rubric:

  • Ways to close a Request favorably:
    • Your proposal to decline a Request is Adopted.
      • Reason: ICPCC accepted your reasons for declining.
    • Your proposal to decline a Request is Rejected, but you are not a Council Member.
      • Reason: ICPCC didn’t accept your reasons for declining, but you had no duty to accept it.
    • Your proposal to close a Request as completed is Adopted.
      • Reason: ICPCC confirmed the Request as completed.
    • Your proposal to close a Request as incomplete is Adopted.
      • Reason: ICPCC accepted the incomplete Request as attempted in good faith and/or outside of your control.
  • Ways to close a Request unfavorably:
    • You failed to submit a response proposal within two weeks of the Request being opened.
      • Reason: The ICPCC request was left unanswered.
    • Your proposal to delay your response is rejected.
      • Reason: ICPCC didn’t accept your reasons for delaying.
    • Your proposal to decline a Request is Rejected, and you are a Council Member.
      • Reason: ICPCC didn’t accept your reasons for declining, and you had a duty to the DAO.
    • You failed to submit a proposal to close the Request as incomplete within two weeks after missing the Start Date Deadline.
      • Reason: The ICPCC Request was abandoned.
    • You failed to submit a proposal to close the Request within two weeks after the approved estimated completion date.
      • Reason: The ICPCC Request was abandoned.
    • Your proposal to close a Request as completed is Rejected.
      • Reason: ICPCC did not accept your assigned Request as properly completed.
    • Your proposal to close a Request as incomplete is Rejected.
      • Reason: ICPCC didn’t accept the incomplete Request as attempted in good faith and/or outside of your control.

Stage 1: New Request Opened

Request Motion proposals must define:

  1. The Assignee who is being asked to accept the Request. The Requestor may specify themselves as the Assignee.
  2. The compensation and payment terms ICPCC would offer the Assignee to complete the Request.
  3. The Assignee must meet the requirements to complete the request.
  4. The actual or pseudo-anonymous identity of the Requestor.


  • Adopted proposals open a new Request and begin Stage 2.
  • Rejected proposals do nothing; no Request is opened.

Stage 2: Assignee Response

The Assignee must respond to the Request within two weeks from its opening date. Failing to submit a response closes the Request unfavorably. The Assignee can submit one of four types of responses to ICPCC:

a. Accept Request

Proposals to accept a Request must define:

  1. The plan for how the Request will be completed.
  2. A deadline for the start date and estimated completion date.
  3. Any Dependencies that ICPCC and/or the Requestor must be delivered to the Assignee before the start date deadline.


  • Adopted proposals begin Stage 3.
  • Rejected proposals restart Stage 2. The Assignee has two weeks to submit a “Conditionally Accept” proposal to make changes and try again or a “Deny Request” Proposal to close the Request.

b. Conditionally Accept Request

Proposals to conditionally accept an Amended Request must define:

  1. The amendments/changes to the original Request must be approved as a condition of the Assignee's acceptance.
  2. The plan for how the Request will be completed.
  3. A deadline for the start date and estimated completion date.
  4. Any Dependencies that ICPCC and/or the Requestor must be delivered to the Assignee before the start date deadline.


  • Adopted proposals begin Stage 3.
  • Rejected proposals restart Stage 2. The Assignee has two weeks to submit a “Conditionally Accept” proposal to make changes and try again or a “Deny Request” Proposal to close the Request.

c. Delay Response

Proposals to delay the Response to a Request must define:

  1. The reason the Assignee needs more time to prepare a response to the Request.
  2. The date by which they promise to submit a response.


  • Adopted proposals restart Stage 2, granting the Assignee the delay they’ve requested.
  • Rejected proposals close the Request unfavorably.

d. Decline Request

Proposals to decline a Request must define:

  1. The reason(s) for declining the Request.


  • Adopted proposals close the Request .
  • favorably

  • Rejected proposals:
    • Close the Request unfavorably if the Assignee is a Member of the Council because they’ve made an active commitment to support ICPCC when they joined the Council.
    • Close the Request favorably for all other Assignees because they submitted a proper response, and ICPCC respects their autonomy and right to refuse to make commitments.

Stage 3: Request Started

The Assignee will submit proposals to ICPCC as needed to collect any Dependencies required to start the Request.


  • If the Request is started before the Start Date Deadline set by the Assignee during Stage 2, the Assignee continues to progress toward completing the Request.
  • If the Start Date Deadline is missed, the Assignee has two weeks to start Stage 4 by submitting a proposal to close the Request as Incomplete. Failure to start Stage 4 within the timeframe closes the Request unfavorably.

Stage 4: Request Closed

Assignees may submit proposals and request approval to extend the estimated completion date as needed. The Assignee must close a Request within two weeks of the approved estimated completion date. Failure to close a Request within this timeframe closes the Request unfavorably.

a. Request Completed

Proposals to close a Request as being completed must define:

  1. How has each Request Requirement been achieved, including relevant documentation or support material as needed.


  • Adopted proposals close the Request favorably.
  • Rejected proposals close the Request unfavorably.

b. Request Incomplete

Proposals to close a Request as incomplete must define:

  1. The reason(s) the Request was not completed.


  • Adopted proposals close the Request favorably.
  • Rejected proposals close the Request unfavorably.

Request Motion Title Standardization

  • Proposal title format: [Stage] - [Request Type]: [Title] - [Proposal Type] ([Proposer])
    • [Stage] - Can have a value of: “Open”, “Response”, or “Close”.
    • [Request Type] - Can have a value of: “Request” or “Amended Request”.
    • [Title] - A short title provided by the Requestor that makes it easy to identify the Request Motion.
    • [Proposal Type] - Can have a value of: “New”, “Accept”, “Conditionally Accept”, “Declined”, “Delay”, “Completed”, or “Incomplete”.
    • [Proposer] - The name of the Requestor or Assignee submitting the proposal.
  • Examples:
    • “Open - Request: Adding Feature X to VP Proxy Canister - New (ICPCC Council)”
    • “Response - Amended Request: Adding Feature X to VP Proxy Canister - Conditionally Accept (DAO Dev Inc)”
    • “Close - Amended Request: Adding Feature X to VP Proxy Canister - Complete (DAO Dev Inc)”

SNS Parameters

These SNS parameters for ICPCC are designed to incentivize and reward long-term commitments from Members.

Critical decisions for Events will often be made 12-15 months in advance of when the event is scheduled. Neurons that will remain staked long enough to realize the consequences of these decisions are most aligned with the success of ICPCC, so their votes should be the majority of the voting power.

  1. Initial Voting Period: 7 days
  2. Max Voting Period Extension: 7 days
  3. Reject Cost: 20 $CONF
  4. Minimum Neuron Stake: 0.01 $CONF
  5. Minimum Dissolve Delay to Vote: 1 year
  6. Maximum Dissolve Delay: 8 years
  7. Maximum Age for Age Bonus: 2 years
  8. Reward Rate: Disabled

Voting Power Bonuses

ICPCC will dynamically balance the voting power bonus parameters to maintain a safe maximum:

  • Voting power bonuses should be maximized as much as possible to incentivize members to vote in alignment with the long-term sustainability of the ICPCC event series.
  • If voting power bonuses are brought too high before enough $CONF supply is locked into the SNS, the risk of a 51% attack, which could drain the DAO treasury, becomes too great.

The Council will guide the DAO to steadily and safely increase the voting power bonuses as the supply of $CONF tokens staked into neurons and total active ICPCC DAO voting power increase over time.

  1. Maximum Dissolve Delay Bonus (current): 100%
  2. Maximum Dissolve Delay Bonus (target): 300%
  3. Maximum Age Bonus (current): 25%
  4. Maximum Age Bonus (target): 100%

SNS Neuron Rewards

The built-in SNS governance rewards feature mints new tokens and distributes them as neuron rewards, but $CONF has a fixed token supply. ICPCC must implement a custom governance rewards mechanism.

The Council has a duty to amend this Constitution to include a plan for providing governance rewards to SNS neurons by January 1, 2025.

Proactive Rejection of Expanded Powers

Bad actors will use real, imagined, or manufactured emergencies to deceptively concentrate and entrench their power at the expense of the long-term greater good.

In acknowledgment of this fact, ICPCC hereby proactively rejects and invalidates all proposals that meet both of these criteria:

  1. The proposal temporarily or permanently expands the control or redefines the scope of the ICPCC Council or any of its Members.
  2. The proposal receives a vote from any of these parties:
    1. The ICPCC Council Neuron.
    2. Neurons owned by any existing or prior Council Members.
    3. Neurons are owned by organizations that are owned by or that employ any existing Council Members.


The ICPCC DAO LLC Operating Agreement ("OA") covers all matters related to membership.

ICPCC Council

This section of the Constitution references but does not amend, conflict, or replace Articles IV.2, V2, V.4 a, V5, V6 of the OA.


Article IV.2 of the OA permits the creation of multiple "ICPCC Councils":

  • The first "ICPCC Council" established will simply have the name of "ICPCC Council."
  • Any future "ICPCC Councils" established will be distinguished with unique names.
  • This version of the Constitution was written prior to the establishment of the first "ICPCC Council." Still, all references to "ICPCC Council" or "Council" within it would apply uniformly to all iterations of "ICPCC Councils," as there is currently no hierarchy or distinction between "ICPCC Councils."


  • One Class of Member - In accordance with Article III.3 of the OA, there is only one class of ICP DAO LLC Member. As such, Members of the Council share the same rights, status, and liability protection as all other Members.
  • Up to 5 Members - In accordance with Article IV.2 of the OA, the Council may include up to 5 Members.
  • Deliberation, not Authorization - In accordance with Article IV.2 of the OA, the main priority of Council Members is to deliberate and prepare proposals for Members to vote on. Council Membership does not grant authorization to make agreements on behalf of the DAO.


  • Maintaining DAO momentum - The core function of the Council is to ensure quality proposals are being defined and submitted promptly so that ICPCC can achieve its purpose, meet deadlines, and execute its Event schedule.
  • Providing leadership & promoting unity - Council Members should be leaders who earn the trust of the DAO Members by contributing voices of reason, experience, positivity, and honesty.
  • Responding to Requests - If an adopted Request Motion defines the “ICPCC Council” as the Assignee, the Council must determine which specific Council Member is the appropriate Assignee to take responsibility for the Request.
  • Hosting public monthly meetings - The Council must meet at least once a month on a public platform to discuss high-level plans for the Events with one another and other Members.
  • Checking proposals for errors - The Council should carefully check all proposals, especially critical proposals like treasury transfers, for errors or inaccuracies and alert the Members if any are found.
  • Supporting this Constitution - Council Members must know, follow, demand adherence to, and help maintain this Constitution, making sure to consistently vote and shape proposals in alignment with its vision.
  • Improving DAO operations - The Council should explore tooling and strategies for improving the DAO's effectiveness, decentralization, and security and identify solutions for any open issues or risks.
  • Keeping the Members informed - The Council will keep track of DAO operations and provide its Members with consistent updates.
  • Occupying required roles - The Council will ensure all Council Member roles are assigned and properly covered.


The Council is required to cover all of these roles. Council Members may fill one or more roles.

  1. Editor
    1. Writes the first drafts and edits the final drafts of all Council proposals.
    2. Collaborates closely with Members and the Council to incorporate feedback, address concerns, and build adoption consensus for in-progress proposals.
    3. Contributes expertise in resolving disagreements and guiding productive discussions.
  2. Director
    1. Coordinates the Council Members to keep activities on track.
    2. Organizes & Facilitates Council meetings.
    3. Manages the backlog of pending proposals and assists the editor in bringing them to consensus.
  3. Steward
    1. Manages login credentials and access to all ICPCC accounts (such as X.com, GoDaddy, etc).
    2. Records & Logs Council Meeting Notes.
    3. Manages and organizes all platforms, services, assets, accounts, and tools for Council operations, ensuring they can always be efficiently and securely utilized.
  4. Reporter
    1. Keeps Members updated on ICPCC and Council activities.
    2. Stays up-to-date with the latest ICP ecosystem developments to identify opportunities and contribute context to help the Members guide ICPCC.
    3. Tracks open Requests and publicly logs whether they are closed favorably or unfavorably.
  5. Auditor
    1. Carefully monitors and evaluates all proposals (not just those submitted by the Council) to ensure they are free of technical errors and adhere to this Constitution, promptly alerting Members when issues are discovered.
    2. Builds and publishes quarterly reports that track neuron metrics & $CONF tokens supply to help the Members manage neuron voting bonuses and monitor for potential risks.
    3. Contributes technical expertise to Council proposals.



For their application to be valid, prospective Council Members must:

  • Hold an ICPCC neuron with at least 500 $CONF that’s staked for the maximum dissolve delay of 8 years and is not in a dissolving state. This will be referred to as their “Qualifying Neuron.”
  • Be a recognized leader within the ICP community who can contribute valuable connections.
  • Actively own or be employed by a notable brand within the ICP ecosystem.
  • Have professional experience that makes them an excellent fit for one or more Council roles.
  • Not have been removed from the Council or rejected from joining the Council within the past three months.
  • Have never been permanently discharged from the Council.

Application Process

Electing a Council Member requires the adoption of two proposals: an initial application proposal and a confirmation proposal.

Proposal #1: Initial Application

The applicant must use their Qualifying Neuron to submit a motion proposal that defines:

1. Their name or pseudo-anonymous identity, and the URLs to their social accounts. 1. Which Council role(s) they wish to fill. 1. How they satisfy each requirement. 1. Why they want to become a Council Member.

The ICPCC Council Neuron will vote on this proposal to apply the influence of the existing Council.


  • Adopted proposals give approval for the application to submit a confirmation proposal.
  • Rejected proposals deny the proposer’s application to join the Council.

Proposal #2: Confirmation

The applicant must use their Qualifying Neuron to submit a proposal that adds their Qualifying Neuron to the list of neurons that the ICPCC Council Neuron follows. In addition, this proposal must also include a description which provides:

1. A URL to the previously adopted motion proposal they started their application with. 1. Examples for one or more amendments to This Constitution which they would be supportive of and their reasoning for that support.

The ICPCC Council Neuron must be configured to NOT vote on this proposal for it to be held valid.


  • Adopted proposals complete and confirm their election to the Council.
  • Rejected proposals deny the proposer’s application to join the Council.


A Member must submit a proposal that configures the ICPCC Council Neuron to remove the applicable Council Member as a follower. In addition, this proposal must also include a description which provides:

1. The name or pseudo-anonymous identity of the Council Member that is being removed. 1. The grounds for discharge, along with any supporting evidence, logs, or documentation.

The ICPCC Council Neuron must be configured to NOT vote on this proposal.


  • Adopted proposals with 75% or more yes votes remove and permanently discharge the Member from the Council.
  • Adopted proposals remove the Member from the Council.
  • Rejected proposals do not remove the Member from the Council.

Corporate Personhood

ICPCC DAO LLC is a registered Marshall Islands DAO LLC. This registration requires three legal documents with the Republic of the Marshall Islands:

  1. Operating Agreement - This is the agreement between Members of the DAO. Members have the right to amend this document and file it with the Marshall Islands. A PDF copy of this document is hosted by ICPCC here. [URL Pending SNS Deployment]
  2. Certificate of Formation - This is a certificate declaring the details of the DAO formed as “ICPCC DAO LLC.” A PDF copy of this document is hosted by ICPCC here. [URL Pending SNS Deployment]
  3. Corporate Charter - This is granted by the government of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to officially acknowledge the DAO LLC registration. A PDF copy of this document is hosted by ICPCC here. [URL Pending SNS Deployment]

This Constitution does not amend, conflict, or replace any of these documents in part or in whole.

Revision History

Isaac Valadez
April 19th, 2024
Initial Draft